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(2025-02-22) Nand to Tetris Project

I have started Nand to Tetris, which goes through building a modern computer from first principles using structured projects. All of the solutions for the projects I have complete can be found on my Nand to Tetris GitHub Repository

(2025-02-08) Text Editing Approaches - Vim and Emacs

I have made a series of videos on the text editors Vim and Emacs. Through the series, I evaluate the characteristics of these two programs to highlight how we should choose and use our tools.

I look at:

  • The history of Vim and Emacs
  • The philosophies and approaches behind them
  • Their features (and comparison thereof)
  • Text editor options
  • Learning resources
  • My personal conclusion

(2025-01-02) GCHQ Christmas Challenge 2024

This is a collection of videos where I go through the GCHQ Christmas Challenge question by question, showing everything I do start to finish. For this reason, it's quite long. These videos are on my YouTube channel "WyrWise".

(2023-06-24) Bypher: A Book Cypher Program and Library Made in Haskell

This is a book cypher program and library made in Haskell to work with text files, with the intention that, if needed, analogue decoding is possible with the printed text file. This project is on the Bypher GitHub Repository.

(2023-06-15) Functional Dimensional Analysis for Engineers Using Haskell

This is my dissertation which I carried out for my university's Civil Engineering course. The whole project can be found on my Functional Dimensional Analysis for Engineers Using Haskell Github Repository.