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How Is This Site Organised?


This site has these main areas:

  • Writings
  • Poetry
  • Engineering
  • Programming
  • Language Learning
  • Other
  • About

Description of Areas


The sections within the Writings area each contain topic series, each of which holds a series of entries. Each entry is a single informal essay. This is shown in the following hierarchy:

  • Sections
    • Topic Series
      • Entries

Each topic series lies within one of the three main sections

  • Philosophy and Religion
  • World
  • Miscellany


Within the area of Poetry, each poem is considered as an entry. And so, each poem serves as the smallest unit of content in this area.


The area of Engineering contains any engineering projects, many of which are related to computer technology, and involve me building things in an of themselves.


The area of Programming contains the smaller projects that I carry out, not for their own sake, but in order to better learn a programming language. Often, this section will link to GitHub repositories.

Language Learning

The area of Language Learning contains anything that I have made for the purpose of learning languages.


As the name suggests, all sections within the area of Other are completely random, and such that they do not fit into any of the other areas.


The About area is a little information on my background, my interests, and the purpose of this site.